Big Arch Rock on a Misty Morn

Big Water at Big Arch

Well I really can't ignore it anymore. It's really getting kind of embarrassing! Big Arch Rock has become my home away from home, so I really should embrace the fact. It's my main destination whenever I head out of the harbor. I wish it was a little farther away so I could get a little better workout, but I usually paddle a little ways past it anyway. It is my Anacapa, my British Columbia and my Oregon Coast, at least until I visit those places myself! I love to hang out in the churning water and listen to the sound of the crashing waves. I'm sure people get tired of hearing where I paddled again today, but I love it. Of course, I also love the peanut butter and jelly toast I have for breakfast EVERY day. What can I say, I'm a creature of habit.

My yak


Jeronimo Last one in

BAR supports more activities than just Kayaking!

The Arch A rocky landing
Truth or Consequences

Waiting for the surge

This could get interesting

The soup The aftermath

Clear water

The gauntlet

A rocky harbor

Waiting for the full moon
Mark Sanders